Your Improvisation Journey

This page provides an overview of the focus of your course this term. At the end of the term, your teacher will provide a recommendation on which course you should take next.

Rediscover Play 💫

  • Enthusiastically supporting each other's choices.

  • Confidently commiting to our own choices.

  • Connecting with other people.

  • Making, and mirror, emotional choices.

  • Exercising our intuition and imagination.

  • Adapting to uncertain situations.

  • Combine their improvisational skills through short-form games, performed to each other and to an audience.

Make a Scene 💪

  • Playing from a place of joy and discovery.

  • Learning how to inspire others.

  • Deep tissue listening.

  • Feeling safe enough to be vulnerable.

  • Facilitators will also explore 1-2 additional areas depending on the needs of the cohort.

  • Combine your improvisational skills through a two-person scene, performed to each other and to an audience.

Developing a Practice

Once you have mastered Rediscover Play and Make a Scene, usually by attending each class 2-3 times with different facilitators, we may recommend that you take an advanced class. Advanced classes may also be recommended to those who have learned improvisation elsewhere, have joined a performance team, or are otherwise active in the community.

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