Aden Date Aden Date

Aden Date

Bentwood Chair of the Board, General Manager, Teaching Faculty

Aden began improvising in 1986, and started taking it seriously in 2012. He has trained intensively at iO Chicago, The Annoyance, and with Jimmy Carrane, and has performed as far afield as Cape Town and Canberra. He’s also a member of Perth’s long-running performance troupe, The Big Hoo-Haa!

Aden delights in working with individuals and teams to help them rediscover play, embrace uncertainty and face the unknown with courage. In addition to running Only the Human, he runs corporate workshops and teaches Psychology at the University of Notre Dame.


Bentwood Chair of the Board, General Manager, Teaching Faculty

Aden began improvising in 1986, and started taking it seriously in 2012. He has trained intensively at iO Chicago, The Annoyance, and with Jimmy Carrane, as well as shorter courses with The Magnet and the Upright Citizens Brigade. He’s also a long-time performer with Perth’s long-running performance troupe, The Big Hoo-Haa!

Aden works as a consultant for arts and cultural organisations interested in bringing intentionality and impact into their work. He also teaches a unit on Community Psychology at Notre Dame University. You can read more about his other projects at

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